
Last week we announced the dates of our Reverse Readathon (August 7-8, 2024). We had 31 people volunteer to help out and I couldn’t be more excited about the response.

Today I’m back to bring you the sign up to be a reader sign ups. As a reminder, you do NOT have to read the full 24 hours to be a readers. If you even just get in one hour of reading, you are a participant in this event. So please sign up below and let us know your readathon home 🙂


Hello Readathon Friends! This is Kate and Gabby and I are so happy to be taking over this well loved event!

One of the top questions we have received is if there is going to be a Reverse Readathon this summer. The answer: Yes we are!

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Aside from the more laid back approach, the Reverse Readathon starts 12 hours earlier than the regular readathon. So for those of you used to starting at 5 AM (like me) now we get to start on Friday at 5 PM! That will hopefully allow us to power through those rough night time hours early on when the enthusiasm is still high, and then be able to make it till the end.

So when will this Reverse Readathon be? We will be started Friday, August 7th at 8 PM EST and ending Saturday, August 8th at 8 PM EST.

We are looking for some people who might want to volunteer and co-host over here on the blog or maybe host a mini-challenge. If this is something you would be interested in try, please sign up on the Google Form below. In the next week, we will have another post for reader sign ups.

~Kate & Gabby


Friends, I’m so happy-sad to write this post. This Readathon, the last for Heather and I as co-organizers, is bittersweet for sure. It’s been one of the greatest joys of my life to help run this thing for the last seven and a half years. It’s been an honor to pay tribute to Dewey, to read with you, to see you all come together, and it’s even more amazing because I’ve gotten to work with my best friend. Thank you, friends, for the time you’ve spent volunteering, cheering, posting, hashtagging, and definitely reading.

We love you a lot, and while we’re sad to step away, we are happy to remain Dewey’s Readathon readers.

It’s also a great, great pleasure to hand Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon to two people who love this event just as much as we do. If you’ve spent time in our Goodreads group, our Facebook group, or here on the website, you already know Kate and Gabby. They have been running at least half of this readathon for years already, and it’s my pleasure to hand over the reigns!

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Thank you so much, Andi and Heather, for all that you have done for us over the years! We cannot wait to see what you will spend your Readathon time reading 🙂

Gabby and I (this is Kate) have been working together for several years now. From the first moment Gabby volunteered for the Goodreads Group, it has been a seamless partnership. Gabby had so many creative ideas on things we could do to make the group more fun and interactive.

When Andi first made her announcement that she and Heather would be stepping back as organizers, I immediately contacted Andi and volunteered to takeover. Read-a-Thon has always been such a big part of my life and I knew I couldn’t let it disappear. When Andi agreed to hand the reigns over to me, I knew I needed my Goodreads Partner in Crime to be my partner over here as well.

Gabby and I wanted to do a quick little “Get to know me” segment so that you can better get to know each of us.

From Gabby: “Hello Everyone! My name is Gabby. I am an avid reader and have been participating in Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon for years! I started helping Kate a few years ago with co-moderating the Goodreads page and I’m excited to come on and continue with Dewey’s Readathon. I brought the new tradition of having a Bingo board during the readathon, which I am so happy everyone is loving. I have a YouTube channel called GabsAboutBooks where I review books, make reading vlogs, monthly wrap ups, book hauls, and other book related content! I am very excited to be cohosting with Kate and can’t wait to bring new ideas to the readathon!”


Gabby and I already have so many exciting ideas for the upcoming readathon and we hope that you will come back to join us in the fall. Below we have two Google Forms that we ask you take a moment to fill out. The first is in regards to what you would like to see in upcoming Readathons. The second is for if you would like to volunteer to help out in some way with the readathon. Without volunteers, we are limited in what we can make happen.

Thank you all for your continued support. We hope you had a wonderful April Readathon! Keep your eye on this space for the announcement of the next Readathon. We will also Tweet out the date.

~Kate and Gabby


Hi Readathoners! This is Kate from 免费网络加速 here with the final hourly post of this readathon.

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I know that it will be alright. I’ve participated long enough to know that sometimes change is necessary. But at the same time, Andi and Heather will be missed greatly. Please join me in leaving them one final goodbye message!

As a final housekeeping note, if you’ve participated for any amount of time, you will know that I always close out the final hour of the readathon with a victory song. Whether you read for 2 hours or 22 hours or managed to pull of the full 24 hours, you are a winner! You participated in an awesome community building event! Enjoy your victory song!

Closing Survey

  1. How would you assess your reading overall?
  2. Did you have a stategy, and if so, did you stick to it?
  3. What was your favorite snack?
  4. Wanna volunteer for our next event? Stay tuned for the recap post!

Link up below or leave a comment!

Enter your finished books into the 免费网络加速 here!

Check out the mini-challenges ANY TIME YOU WANT! 

Cheer your fellow readers!

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Watch for posts and stories on our 境外网络加速!

Tag your posts with #readathon on all your social channels


Hi Everyone! My name is Gabby! I’ve been helping Kate co-moderate the Dewey’s Goodreads page for the past few years. You can find me on my youtube channel. I’m also on twitter and instagram.

With only two hours left of Dewey’s I’m sure we’ve all lost motivation to read. It’s been a long 22 hours and many of us are sleeping at this time. With 2 hours left, let’s try to muster the energy and pick up a book. What motivates you to read?

If I’m reading for leisure, I make sure to read something I know will grab my attention. Harry Potter is always a great choice. I have a tradition that I always read Harry Potter Illustrated Editions during Dewey’s. It gives me that push to start the readathon at 7am or helps me if I’m starting to feel a reading slump coming on. I also make sure to read something that excites me. I’m currently reading Crescent City by Sarah J. Maas and I’m finding it hard to set the book down. Knowing that I get to pick up a book that is action packed, fast paced, and with a great plot always motivates me to read more.

On the other hand, if I’m reading something less exciting for work (or when I was in school haha) I always have something comforting to drink while I read. Usually, a fancy iced coffee or tea. Plus I make sure to have different colored highlighters to annotate important information.

Share what motivates you to read with only 2 hours left of Dewey’s!

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE here!

Check out the mini-challenges ANY TIME YOU WANT! 

Cheer your fellow readers!

Join our Goodreads or Facebook groups!

Watch for posts and stories on our Instagram!

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Hello Readathon Friends, this is Kate from 境外网络加速. We are in our final three hours…

Continuing from where I left off in recollecting… Since that first readathon so many things have changed! April 2012 marks the first time I volunteered to co-host. I was assigned to the final 3 hours of the readathon and I have been co-hosting them ever since then (17 readathons). Back then it was Ashley and Lu hosting the event. That seems forever ago!!! The next readathon was the first one I received an email from Andi and discovered the amazing woman she is! October 2014 is the first readathon where we had the Goodreads Group. In April 2016, I received a request to have a facebook group and Andi and Heather gave the go ahead to start that group. In October 2017, Gabby joined in Moderating the Goodreads Group and she has been bring her fun and creativity to the group ever since. Gabby volunteered to help me out with one of these posts so you get to meet her next hour!

One of the other highlights of this event has been meeting so many amazing readers. Over on the Goodreads Group, there is Leni, who always involves her whole family, and the two other Kate’s I met earlier this week who also read and knit. On Facebook there are readers filled with ideas for Bullet Journal Spreads and suggestions for book. I’ve met so many wonderful people that have made this event so memorable. I know that in the coming years, I will get a chance to meet many more.

What are your best Readathon memories? Have you met any other reader you’ve just clicked with?

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE here!

Check out the mini-challenges ANY TIME YOU WANT! 

Cheer your fellow readers!

Join our Goodreads or Facebook groups!

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Hello Readathon Friends, this is Kate from Kate’s Book Nook. And I am here to finish this readathon out with you all.

Like many of you, I was blown away with Andi and Heather announced that this was to be their last readathon. Readathon has defined my adult life and this announcement flooded me with memories. I immediately visited my old book blog that hasn’t been updated since November 2017… the whole reason I even created a book blog was to participate in the 24 hour Readathon. I’ve seen a lot of people talk about being able to make it the whole 24 hours a couple times, so what I am about to say will hopefully comfort those who feel like they have failed… my very first readathon, I took a 16 hour “nap”. I only read for a total of 7 hours. You can read about that disaster here if you want. Later readathon memories next hour…

Heather and Andi – Thank you so much for 7.5 years of amazing Readathons to participate in. It has been such a pleasure getting to work with you and getting to know you. I hope you enjoy your time on the other side of this event. You will certainly be missed on the organizational side 🙂

Do you remember your first Readathon?

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE here!

Check out the mini-challenges ANY TIME YOU WANT! 

Cheer your fellow readers!

Join our Goodreads or Facebook groups!

Watch for posts and stories on our Instagram!

Tag your posts with #readathon on all your social channels


Hi there,

This is Juli from ich lese once more.

Last hour we chatted about the weird spots we’ve spent our past readathons. This hour I thought we could talk about what inspires us each year, or even twice a year, to participate in this 24 hour readathon.

I wrote a post for Dewey’s readathon’s 10 year anniversary and I really think that sums it up nicely: reading often makes me feel nostalgic and reminds me of simpler times when I was a child and books were my (often only) friends. But on top of this, and probably more importantly, I’m deeply inspired during every readathon on how people truly show up. We have some who can barely make time to pick up a book any other day but will do so for the readathon. We have some who make it a family affair, some who read for charity, some who break personal records, some who will read the entire 24 hours, and some whose main purpose is to cheer on the readers. This community is incredible. It gives people like me a home. And honestly, not just twice a year but really all 365 days. Both the Facebook and the Goodreads groups are super active throughout the year. After each readathon, I compile long lists of books to be added to my TBR based on what fellow readers suggest here and when I finally get to one of those books I am reminded of you guys. I personally have taken up reading for various charities in the past based on what I’ve seen people do during the readathons. I stay motivated throughout the 24 hours because I know that there are millions (let me believe this number is true) reading at the same time. I can feel the energy even though I am physically removed from everyone else. And thus, every readathon I show up for this! This community. This collective. This energy.

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Happy reading!

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Hour 19 – oh the places you’ll go …

Hi guys,

Juli here from ich lese. How is everyone doing? Hour 19 has just begun and in my neck of the woods it is now the middle of the night, which to be honest, is my favorite time to read. The house is so quiet. The pets are settled down and snuggled up to me. I don’t have to make any excuses why I’m having my fifth cup of coffee and why my fingers are now Cheeto-orange ;). I am now officially super-duper mood reading meaning I’ll read a chapter in this book and then another in that book. I might start listening to an audiobook or pick up a graphic novel. There are NO RULES in the middle of the night. Who knows, maybe I’ll start talking to myself out loud. No one will know!

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Clearly, the strange is strong in me in the middle of the night, but amazingly enough, my weird reading spots were all places I visited during the day. And (kinda sadly) they aren’t all that bizarre anyway. I’d say the most unique readathon I’ve done was one October day where I just had to visit a certain fiber fest but also read at the same time (because, you know, the readathon was happening). My friends and I packed into a car early in the morning, money ready to be spent on yarn and other knitting goodies, full of caffeine and drove an hour or so into the countryside to visit the local fair grounds and ogle over a bunch of goods in neat little booths hosted by indie dyers, alpaca farms, spinning wheel manufacturers, and weaving loom guilts. That day, I also had my favorite childhood book, Momo by Michael Ende, tugged into my totes my goats canvas bag. I read the entire way there and back, obvi, but I also read while sitting with other knitters or alone by the pond. I read while waiting on my friends buying their weight in yarn, and I even read while walking in between buildings. The only break from reading I gave myself was to look at actual yarn (and of course buying a ton). If I remember correctly, I broke a personal page number record that readathon. So whose to say we can’t multitask or combine hobbies? 😉

Leave your favorite weird reading spots in the comments below. Or really, just share any readathon-related memory.

I hope to hear from you guys during the next hour here on the blog as well. I’ll be hosting again!

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE here!

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Cheer your fellow readers!

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Hour 18 – Kristen’s Memories + Vlogging

So it took some digging, but I found my first Dewey’s readathon post. I had to find my old blog – Bookworming in the 21st Century and it was April 10, 2010 when I first dove into the readathon! I overslept but logged on and planned to eat every 2-4 hours because I was dieting (oh my!) and had a variety of YA books and graphic novels on my TBR. I ended up reading 6.5 books and struggling to get through hours 20 and 21 and soon fell asleep. I also did EVERY mini challenge and posted it on my blog so who knows how much I actually read that day.

While I was there, I found some old vlogs I had tried out and wow… I’m so glad I quit that. I love some vlogs but I’ve never been great at them myself so I never pursued it seriously.

One Does Not Simply Meme | ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY MAKE A VLOG | image tagged in memes,one does not simply | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

If you have a great vlog/Booktube about the readathon make sure to connect below! If you want to share your first readathon memory, I’d love to hear it! I know this is isn’t the last Dewey 24 hour readathon, but that it could have been made me think about my many times participating! I haven’t done them ALL since 2010, but I’ve tried to do as many as possible, even if it was just from Twitter/Instagram (sometimes I’m too lazy to blog!).

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